Monday, 31 January 2011

Monday Weigh-In, Week 15

My goal this week (a goal extended from last week that was not reached) was to break the 170 mark and enter the 160s. So I tracked EVERYTHING I consumed. This includes the 17 points worth of alcohol and mix that got me smashed on Saturday. I also tracked all my activity, including the 2 hours pretty much straight, 10 points, of dancing my ass off.

So, the results? Goal reached :)

Beginning Weight (October 18, 2010): 183.4 lbs
Current Weight: 169.2

Week 15 Weight Loss/Gain: -2.6 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 14.2 lbs

An additional high point for this week came yesterday. Thomas and I threw on the stretch DVD from P90X to finish off the weekend. When we got those DVDs two years ago, I needed his help to get into a shoulder stand. I struggled just to keep my legs up while the people on the video were moving into plough (impossible for me), followed by bringing their knees down around their ears. To finish off, I had to whip out of it - there way no way I could come out of it in a controlled fashion.

Well, yesterday that all changed. Shoulder stand on my own, check. Plough, check. Knees brought down around the ears, not quite to the floor, but check. Slow, controlled movement coming out of the pose, fucking check.

It was exhilarating!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Monday Weigh-In, Week 14

Since I received unexpected support last week, I'm going to start posting my weight-loss progress.

I blew a great tracking week with really awesome but not-so-good for me food on Saturday and Sunday. This resulted in a 0.2 lb loss for the week. Which, to say, is still a loss (tiny, tiny increments).

Beginning Weight (October 18, 2010): 183.4 lbs
Current Weight: 171.8
Week 14 Weight Loss/Gain: -0.2lbs
Total Weight Loss: 11.6 lbs*

*The numbers are off from last week because I decided to include my total weight loss which includes the 5lbs of water weight I lost in the first week.