When I visited my blog to post my last entry, I found it ironic, though not entirely surprising, that my last entry was March 28. I imagine that I would have continued had circumstances been different. But on March 29 I was let go from my job, citing that probationary objectives were not met. I could get into the specifics, but they were kind of ridiculous. Let's just say that 'fit' was likely the real issue.
Something weird happened that day. I got in my car, drove home, and felt okay. Yes, I had some moments of doubt in my self-worth and other feelings that surface when one is let go from a job. But those feelings were completely overshadowed with a sense that everything was going to be fine. These zen-like feelings, though welcome, were so unfamiliar. The Shlo of not-so-long-ago would be having a balls to the wall freak-out about how life would be maintained and what would we do and and and. Instead, my partner and I had a good discussion about what this could mean and determined that I would take this time for me and figure out what to do next.
Wedding planning and a couple of karate-related events pretty much took over my schedule for the following three months (more on those in coming posts). Focusing on the short-term didn't allow for much time to think about the long term.
But now that those are in the past, I am having a hard time facing what's next. I could essentially go in any direction that is available to me, but I can't even open up my resume to update it or modify it for different types of jobs. Not to mention that the number of available opportunities within a reasonable commuting distance from our new home is frighteningly small.
We are stable, for now. Insurance benefits have us covered until January. In the meantime I've been trying to focus on my health, build up my endurance and strengthen my muscles (again, more on that in a comping post).
The thing is that sooner or later I'll have to face whatever demon I have going on inside, remember that I'm better than that stupid organization that lost out when they let me go, and start 'selling' myself to someone who believes that I can make their business better with me as part of their team.