Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Monday Weigh-In, Week 17

Yes, I realize it's Wednesday. Did you miss me? I didn't have time to write anything up Monday, but I did manage to get on the scale.

Man! Let me tell you how easy it is to get off track. I haven't looked at my tracker in a week. And when you don't watch, it makes it really hard to take the proper care in making the right choices. You indulge in what you shouldn't and way too much of it. I really lucked out on Monday's weigh-in but know that if I keep it up I'll have a big gain this week.

Beginning Weight (October 18, 2010): 183.4 lbs
Current Weight: 169.8
Week 17 Weight Loss/Gain -0.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 13.2 lbs

The next couple of days will remain hard to track but instead of waiting until Monday to reform my habits, I will try to start again on the weekend.

(By the way, let me know you don't want to continue to be tagged. No offense will be taken. I am completely assuming that if you've commented before, you want to keep up with my progress.)

And lastly, a big congratulations to my oldest friend, Kat, who gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Thursday. I hope you're sleeping ok at the times when you can!

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