Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Starting Point

So after a week of 'Kablaam! Here's some bloggage' I've given you all the silent treatment. Truth is, I'd not spent much time in a happy place these last few weeks. And I don't want to whine about all the is bothering me, because whining won't get me anywhere.

So I slumped through it and I'm back! It helped to have three days off last week ;)

Hmm...a starting point. Well, there are a couple of things on the go right now.

1. I've started back at Weight Watchers. Even with the changes to its program, it's what I know best and and can most easily pop back into. And I need to pop back into something, or I'll start popping out of everything.

(I should note that my starting weight Tuesday morning was 174.4, because this will be the base from which I record my progress).

2. I went to the gym a couple of times over the last few weeks, and those couple of times have been more than I've done in the last few months. Still, they felt like do-it-cuz-it's-better-than-nothing trips. I had a better workout on Monday (despite pulling a muscle my back) and plan to be right back to it shortly.

3. I'm going to school! It's not a full-time dilly ticket to get me out of my unhappy place at work, but I feel it's a good step to get things in order for the long run. I'm taking a four-course certificate to acheive the status of Payroll Compliance Practitioner. I hope that it'll help me get the type of job that will run into Comp & Benefits in the long term, and there's not a payroll job out there that I can apply to without it.

Things are looking up!

1 comment:

  1. To complement that you should look into getting certified as a medical billings clerk. Lots of people getting old you know
