Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Exploding with Options, Part Two

Part two: Running, its successes and roadblocks.

Since starting my first running class on March 18, I've gone for four runs; two with the group and two with Thomas. The former seems to be much easier than the latter, and there could be a plethora of reasons for it. I'll have to do a few more runs to get an honest comparison.

But there's other, bigger issues. As previously mentioned, I felt like I'd done a number on my knees coming back from Costa Rica. It was March Break and I couldn't get an appointment with my GP until the 21st. By the 17th I was feeling much better but felt that it couldn't hurt to get myself checked out.

And that's when the bad news came. My left knee, the one I dislocated five years ago, is suplexed. From what I understand, that means it's sitting out of its regular position on the outside. My GP was concerned about my running, but allowed me to get the opinion of a physiotherapist, too.

So off to physio I went. She was understanding of my desire to run and said that we can work with my legs in order to make that happen. I'll be getting orthotics, doing lots of home exercises, and listening to my body.
I've also decided to supplement massage. I went to see my therapist yesterday, and she gave me an awesome treatment that combined some accupuncture, cupping, and bodywork.

But I feel like crap today.

My right knee, the healthier one, has been giving me problems. I had to cut Sunday's run short because when I went to retie a lace, my knee spasmed when I crouched. It happened again yesterday about four hours after my treatment. The rest of the night and this morning it's felt...out of sorts.

I'm off to the physiotherapist today, and hopefully I can get an appointment soon with the person who does the orthotics. I really hope that both with contribute to a better running experience.


  1. Hmmm...I dunno. I'm off running myself, for similar reasons. You sure fitness goals could not be met by something lower impact? You know I love to run. I'm part Impala. But as I'm going through a similar RMT and soon to be physio push I'm shelving the running until things get back to feeling healthier and stronger.

  2. I'm going through a major grrr right now.

    Likely by the end of today, I will decide whether I'll defer my running room course or push through it.

  3. I've never been a fan of running. When I was younger, I was overweight and had problems with my knees which basically meant I could run about 50 feet before collapsing in pain as well as being out of breath.

    The more research I did into running, the less I liked it, at least in an urban environment. It's way to high-impact on concrete, compounded if you are at all overweight, out-of-shape, or have the wrong footwear. I also find the stairmaster to be a much more intense workout. If those fail, the elliptical is good for fat burning if you push yourself (and ignore the totally out of whack calorie counters on them).

    I do like sprints.

    There's nothing wrong with running, but I really think it does a number on your knees in the long run (again, mostly when running on hard surface), but I don't profess to be an expert, just my experience.

    If you have access to a good rowing machine, that's also an option. Best full body cardio machine that you can use.

  4. Well you know I love running and have been doing it for many many years. I don't have any knee issues but both my sister and brother do. My sister uses an eliptical at a gym and does a ton of hiking. My baby bro (he's so cute) is now caption of his swim team in Australia. He has abandoned his triathlons for swimming. Trust me when I say the boy doesn't have a 6 pack he has an 8 pack!! And he thinks he's out of shape. ;)

    Power walking is another option. I mean serious power walking. You must do it for longer periods but still get the benifit of being outdoors.
